
时间:2023-03-29 14:53:10



怎样和狗狗玩耍 怎样和狗狗玩玩具? 1、玩具球:在狗狗刚开始接触球型玩具的时候,要选择那些不会发出声音的球。玩的时候,要先吸引狗狗的注意力,可以把球拿在手上在狗狗眼前晃,或是丢在附近的地上。当狗狗开始追球或是咬球时,就可以慢慢加大丢球的距离了。


(来源:文章屋网 )


安抚情绪 其实狗狗就跟小朋友一样,在发育的过程中有学习的能力,它们会习惯有人陪伴,有些狗狗在自己独处的时候,会因紧张、焦虑等情绪而狂吠不止,特别是个性上容易紧张或敏感的小型犬。如果家里的环境及条件不允许有其他狗狗的陪伴,就可以买几个玩具,在你出门以后,缓和狗狗的情绪。让它养成没有人陪伴时,自己玩儿玩具的行为。

防止啃咬家具及衣物 除此之外,当狗狗感觉受到约束、烦恼、孤独或者有压力的时候,释放压力的方式通常表现为一些具有破坏性的行为。玩具可以帮助其减轻压力,减少狗狗破坏的可能。如果没有玩具,它就会去撕咬任何可以触及的东西,如鞋子、书、沙发和椅子腿等。

小狗换牙期的需求 狗狗在5个月龄至9个月龄间,正值换牙期,因此特别有咀嚼的需求。记得观察狗狗的牙齿成长状况,适时给予耐咀嚼的玩具让狗狗磨牙,也会避免它们啃坏家里的其他东西。


根据狗狗的性格特点 在给自己的狗狗选择玩具之前要先了解它们的个性和爱好。像罗威纳、德国牧羊狗、杜伯文这一类警戒性较高的大型工作狗狗,喜欢的玩具都是些大块头、耐咬、耐拉扯的玩具。对它们而言,拉扯、撕咬玩具除了好玩外,还能锻炼自己的体能和扑咬的技巧。而像金毛巡回犬,拉布拉多这一类猎犬则更喜欢球类运动。具有强烈衔取天性的狗狗会自己追着球东奔西跑,能玩好一阵,这样一来,狗狗就没有时间和精力去搞破坏了。


根据狗狗的花心程度 狗狗跟人类一样,有自己的思想,自己的喜好,会选择自己喜欢的玩具,拒绝自己不喜欢的。那么主人就需要注意观察,不然买完了,狗狗不喜欢,就变成了摆设,既占地方又浪费钱。很多狗狗都喜欢多种多样的玩具,你可以准备4~5件玩具,每周轮换不同的。这样会使狗狗对玩具充满期待和兴趣。如果你的狗狗非常钟情于某一件玩具,就最好不要替换它。
















My iron clad toy puppy was given to me on my seventh birthday. It's my pet.


The iron toy puppy is covered with orange armor, like an orange skin. Its eyes are bright and bright, like two pearls inlaid in the face. Under the nose of an orange triangle, there is a smiling mouth. Its ears are light yellow, like two small yellow Apricot Leaves on both sides of the head. Its tail is also light yellow, like a small stick stuck in the butt. It's wearing green iron boots. It looks like it's armed as if it's going to fight with someone.


The iron toy puppy has four purple tires on both sides of its abdomen. Just hold the dog down, drag it back, and release its hand, and it will run fast. Sometimes when I stand and pull it back, it stands up and goes forward as if it is asking for food from me!







Today, dad bought me a cute teddy bear.


This bear is as tall as I am. The golden fluff is very comfortable to touch. A pair of small eyes are inlaid on the round face, and a protruding nose is slightly upward. Whenever I look at it, it always lowers its head, like a child who has made a mistake.


I do everything with it: when I watch TV, I first put it on the sofa, and then sit down. At this time, it looks like a living bear, staring at the TV screen. When I do my homework, I always put it on the chair next to me, and then sit down to do my homework. At this time, it looks at it with its round eyes My homework seems to be checking it for me. It's so adorable.


One evening, I was doing my homework alone at home. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside. Then, the heavy rain came. There are thousands of water curtains between heaven and earth, which are like thousands of waterfalls. The water on the ground is rolling, the turbid current and garbage are flowing to the low place together, and then they are converged into one piece, which really feels like a vast ocean. Lightning flashed past the window from time to time.


I just wanted to go and open the curtains, when a flash of lightning came straight at me, and I came back in a hurry. I don't worry about my homework anymore. I think: when will mom come back? When will the lightning and heavy rain stop. I want to turn on the TV to kill time, a flash of lightning across my eyes, I shrink back to the desk, sit on the chair, pick up a book I usually watch "boat, boat" and want to see it, a sound of thunder blew out the lamp, the room was dark, I was scared, groping to get the flashlight, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the bear in the bed with round eyes, OK Like saying, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you!" As if I had found a savior, I laid down on the bed with a bear in my arms, and soon fell asleep. It helped me through this difficult evening.


Today, dad bought me a cute teddy bear.


This bear is as tall as I am. The golden fluff is very comfortable to touch. A pair of small eyes are inlaid on the round face, and a protruding nose is slightly upward. Whenever I look at it, it always lowers its head, like a child who has made a mistake.


I do everything with it: when I watch TV, I first put it on the sofa, and then sit down. At this time, it looks like a living bear, staring at the TV screen. When I do my homework, I always put it on the chair next to me, and then sit down to do my homework. At this time, it looks at it with its round eyes My homework seems to be checking it for me. It's so adorable.


One evening, I was doing my homework alone at home. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside. Then, the heavy rain came. There are thousands of water curtains between heaven and earth, which are like thousands of waterfalls. The water on the ground is rolling, the turbid current and garbage are flowing to the low place together, and then they are converged into one piece, which really feels like a vast ocean. Lightning flashed past the window from time to time.


I just wanted to go and open the curtains, when a flash of lightning came straight at me, and I came back in a hurry. I don't worry about my homework anymore. I think: when will mom come back? When will the lightning and heavy rain stop. I want to turn on the TV to kill time, a flash of lightning across my eyes, I shrink back to the desk, sit on the chair, pick up a book I usually watch "boat, boat" and want to see it, a sound of thunder blew out the lamp, the room was dark, I was scared, groping to get the flashlight, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the bear in the bed with round eyes, OK Like saying, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you!" As if I had found a savior, I laid down on the bed with a bear in my arms, and soon fell asleep. It helped me through this difficult evening.


Today, dad bought me a cute teddy bear.


This bear is as tall as I am. The golden fluff is very comfortable to touch. A pair of small eyes are inlaid on the round face, and a protruding nose is slightly upward. Whenever I look at it, it always lowers its head, like a child who has made a mistake.


I do everything with it: when I watch TV, I first put it on the sofa, and then sit down. At this time, it looks like a living bear, staring at the TV screen. When I do my homework, I always put it on the chair next to me, and then sit down to do my homework. At this time, it looks at it with its round eyes My homework seems to be checking it for me. It's so adorable.


One evening, I was doing my homework alone at home. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside. Then, the heavy rain came. There are thousands of water curtains between heaven and earth, which are like thousands of waterfalls. The water on the ground is rolling, the turbid current and garbage are flowing to the low place together, and then they are converged into one piece, which really feels like a vast ocean. Lightning flashed past the window from time to time.


I just wanted to go and open the curtains, when a flash of lightning came straight at me, and I came back in a hurry. I don't worry about my homework anymore. I think: when will mom come back? When will the lightning and heavy rain stop. I want to turn on the TV to kill time, a flash of lightning across my eyes, I shrink back to the desk, sit on the chair, pick up a book I usually watch "boat, boat" and want to see it, a sound of thunder blew out the lamp, the room was dark, I was scared, groping to get the flashlight, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the bear in the bed with round eyes, OK Like saying, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you!" As if I had found a savior, I laid down on the bed with a bear in my arms, and soon fell asleep. It helped me through this difficult evening.


Today, dad bought me a cute teddy bear.


This bear is as tall as I am. The golden fluff is very comfortable to touch. A pair of small eyes are inlaid on the round face, and a protruding nose is slightly upward. Whenever I look at it, it always lowers its head, like a child who has made a mistake.


I do everything with it: when I watch TV, I first put it on the sofa, and then sit down. At this time, it looks like a living bear, staring at the TV screen. When I do my homework, I always put it on the chair next to me, and then sit down to do my homework. At this time, it looks at it with its round eyes My homework seems to be checking it for me. It's so adorable.


One evening, I was doing my homework alone at home. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside. Then, the heavy rain came. There are thousands of water curtains between heaven and earth, which are like thousands of waterfalls. The water on the ground is rolling, the turbid current and garbage are flowing to the low place together, and then they are converged into one piece, which really feels like a vast ocean. Lightning flashed past the window from time to time.


I just wanted to go and open the curtains, when a flash of lightning came straight at me, and I came back in a hurry. I don't worry about my homework anymore. I think: when will mom come back? When will the lightning and heavy rain stop. I want to turn on the TV to kill time, a flash of lightning across my eyes, I shrink back to the desk, sit on the chair, pick up a book I usually watch "boat, boat" and want to see it, a sound of thunder blew out the lamp, the room was dark, I was scared, groping to get the flashlight, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the bear in the bed with round eyes, OK Like saying, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you!" As if I had found a savior, I laid down on the bed with a bear in my arms, and soon fell asleep. It helped me through this difficult evening.


Today, dad bought me a cute teddy bear.


This bear is as tall as I am. The golden fluff is very comfortable to touch. A pair of small eyes are inlaid on the round face, and a protruding nose is slightly upward. Whenever I look at it, it always lowers its head, like a child who has made a mistake.


I do everything with it: when I watch TV, I first put it on the sofa, and then sit down. At this time, it looks like a living bear, staring at the TV screen. When I do my homework, I always put it on the chair next to me, and then sit down to do my homework. At this time, it looks at it with its round eyes My homework seems to be checking it for me. It's so adorable.


One evening, I was doing my homework alone at home. Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside. Then, the heavy rain came. There are thousands of water curtains between heaven and earth, which are like thousands of waterfalls. The water on the ground is rolling, the turbid current and garbage are flowing to the low place together, and then they are converged into one piece, which really feels like a vast ocean. Lightning flashed past the window from time to time.


I just wanted to go and open the curtains, when a flash of lightning came straight at me, and I came back in a hurry. I don't worry about my homework anymore. I think: when will mom come back? When will the lightning and heavy rain stop. I want to turn on the TV to kill time, a flash of lightning across my eyes, I shrink back to the desk, sit on the chair, pick up a book I usually watch "boat, boat" and want to see it, a sound of thunder blew out the lamp, the room was dark, I was scared, groping to get the flashlight, I turned on the flashlight and looked at the bear in the bed with round eyes, OK Like saying, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll accompany you!" As if I had found a savior, I laid down on the bed with a bear in my arms, and soon fell asleep. It helped me through this difficult evening.