
时间:2023-04-11 12:48:30




* 谷歌金山词霸

* 有道桌面词典

* 雅虎乐译

* 灵格斯词霸

一、 软件界面对比测试
















三、 屏幕取词对比测试





灵格斯词霸也支持屏幕取词,在该软件的设置项中,可以设置对特定的哪些语种不取词,比如不对拉丁文取词,需要注意的是,要对PDF取词,需要安装Adobe Acrobat/Reaer取词插件。(图13)


四、 句子和段落翻译对比测试

除了查询单词的基本含以外,有时我们可能还需要查询某些短语,甚至一些较长的段落的含义,因为有的文章必须结合上下文语境才能得出比较准确的含义。这里我们首先以“Their softwares are second to none.”这个短句为例看看翻译结果。(图14、图15、图16、图17)



After the tragedy of 4/16 last year, you saw the best of the Virginia Tech students. Their ownership, their passion, their commitment to their university was second to none.



谷歌金山词霸翻译结果明显具有“汉语式”翻译的问题,比如“last year”直接翻译成“去年”,而且放在原来英文对应的位置,还有后面的翻译也很生硬,整体感觉是“直译”,是单词的拼凑。(图18)






奥运是举国上下的大事,因此大家也异常关注,这里我们也来测试一下这几个软件在奥运词汇方面的翻译能力如何,我们选取了“Olympic oath”(奥运会宣誓词)、“Olympic Anthem”(奥运会会歌)、“candidate city”(候选城市)三个词汇进行测试。


雅虎乐译对“Olympic oath”(奥运会宣誓词)、“Olympic Anthem”(奥运会会歌)、“candidate city”(候选城市)三个词汇都不能翻译,看来在这方面的功能较弱。(图23、图24)

以上三个词汇都是词组的形式,为了测试雅虎乐译在奥运词汇方面的翻译能力,我们再进行了单个词汇的测试,发现大部分都能准确得到结果,比如前面查询的“Olympic Anthem”不能得到结果,但查询“Anthem”确是没问题的。(图25)





















An Olympic athlete must be strong not only in body, but also in mind. They have to train for years to achieve the necessary strength and control over their sports to compete in the Olympics. This requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. Similarly, the Olympic athletes have to train their minds in order to compete under extreme mental pressure. In other words, and Olympic athlete must be in top condition both mentally and physically.

Speaking good English also requires great discipline and self-sacrifice. If you want to speak good English, you must be mentally and physically strong just like an Olympic athlete.





参考词汇:try/do one's best, find (that), heavy (lost) , carry (show, take), taxi (car, bike), on the way, talk with (with)

Xiao Wei had a dream last night . In the dream, he wolunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Wei he was Jack , and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Wei stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel . Xiao Wei talked with Jack on the way, he made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Wei very much , he thought Xiao Wei's English was very good. Xiao Wei was very happy.He smiled and smiled. Then he woke up .......


celebration of green nature

good morning, everybody!

let's start with the very simple question: do you know the tree coverage rate of beijing? well, the recent numerical value is 49.9%. it sounds much, but is there simply one tree that was planted by you? if there is, let's say you're really great. but if not believe me you are not alone cuz it's rather difficult for us students to get involved in such activities. well, i think now we all realize that all that we've done for the green is just about claiming or declaring, painting or advertising. however what i'm fully convinced is that someday ten years ago you must have stepped onto the grassland in the early spring and i'm sure that some of you (especially girls) must have unwittingly picked up dandelions by the roadside and gently blew their parachute like seeds into the fragrant breeze. by the time our lives can be counted by decades, what have we done for our mother nature?

before you get lost in speculation, please follow me and try considering some other questions: put up your hands if you have watched the olympic games? (of course you have or else you wouldn't be sitting here) nonetheless how many of you had the experience of sitting in front of the television waiting for the games of the unable people? i think now we can draw the conclusion that we concern the olympic games mostly for entertainment.

have you found out that the linkage between the olympic games and the green environment is that we almost do nothing really helpful to either of them! what now i want to tell you is very realistic i wrote them from the core of my heart so please believe me they are my true feelings.

last summer when i had just finished the high school entrance examination, i came up with the idea of not using air conditioners in that coming summer. then i had an extraordinarily hard time controlling myself and had suffered from having more than one air conditioners in sight yet cannot make use of them. every time i caught sight of them i told myself that i was doing something quite valuable. finally autumn came and to my surprise i had made it! you know how excited i was? i really felt very proud of myself. sounds ridiculous right? however, will all of you here join me to do this next year, will you? i hope so. because i feel deeply upset every time when i see my parents waste a lot of water and i don't know why i'm extremely concerned about the protection of environment and the reservation of natural resources since i was young. my mother was against me on whether to mention her in my speech nevertheless i consider it very common among you and maybe your parents. in the past i didn't dare to ask others to turn off the faucet while not using them because i was afraid of being described as stingy, am i? stinginess is to resources what responsibility is to the society. it's about time we aroused the social awareness of environment protection. doesn't the realization of our green dream and olympic dream both start from that?

because all the beautiful words seem to be so pale and feeble compared with practical actions and i don't like to say sentences like "start right from myself" so let's change it to a more romantic one: the mission of turning the green within our heart and soul into the luxuriantly green scenery out of the window is bound to cross the boundaries between nations, continents and racial groups, from olympia to the great wall and finally fall on our shoulders by the year 2008.

my favorite description of the olympic games is the celebration of mankind. but now i want to propose a small change, which is to be: olympics of mankind, celebration of green nature.


有谁知道现在北京的森林覆盖率是多少?最近的数字是49.9%,听起来很多,可是在千千万万的树木中有没有一株是你贡献的呢?没有的话相信我你并不孤独。因为我们为绿色做的仅限于喊喊口号, 画画板报而已。但是我确定,十年前的某一天,你一定无心地踏入过早春的草坪,天真无暇地在底片上拍下令人至今留恋的风景,我也猜想到你们中的一些人,至少是一部分,一定随手掐断过路边的蒲公英,让它梦幻般的种子飘散在幽香的风里。在我们的生命已经可以用十年来计算的时候,我们为绿色做过什么?


去年夏天,我忽然决定不开空调, 无论多热都不能开,为了看不到的南极的臭氧层和就在心里的自然梦想。于是我开始遭受满眼都是空调却不能享受清凉的煎熬。舒适明明唾手可得,但我却告诉自己,我正在做的事情是非常有价值的。当秋天终于姗姗来迟的时候,我真的感到特别的自豪哎!听起来有些荒谬有些可笑,可是还是挺不容易的吧!我本想号召大家加入我疯狂的举动可是秋天来了天气凉了,我只有这个小小的心愿希望明年大家会这样做,会吗?我希望会,因为每当我看到宿舍的同学甚至家人用水浪费的时候,我都深深感到一种莫名其妙的沮丧,那是一种发自内心的难过.我想这是很普遍变得现象。也许就发生在你和你家人的身上。我曾经不敢告诉陌生人关掉不用的水龙头,因为害怕被说成小气多管闲事,是这样吗?那天晚上我独自走在空无一人得楼道,听到滴滴答答的水声,像是自然的哭泣。于是我战战兢兢地走进黑漆漆的水房,一个个地听取寻找漏水的管道,向开密码锁一样轻轻地转动水龙头直到找到关紧的那一点。我感到发自内心的兴奋,像完成一项重要的使命。我们的绿色之梦,奥林匹克之梦不就是这样开始的吗?这种对资源的小气应该成为整个社会的"大气"。因为所有的豪言壮语在实际行动面前都显得那么软弱那么苍白。就像从我做起的号召听起来平淡而无力一样。我们还是换一个更浪漫一些的说法吧:将心中的绿色变成窗外的葱茏这样美丽的使命,注定将在不远的2008跨越国与国,洲与洲,种族与种族的界限,由奥林匹亚来到中国长城,最终落在你我的肩上。所以从今天开始,我们就要努力。



Needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to China is the 2008 Olympic Games. Till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. How much changes have you seen New roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.

Other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the Olympic Games that cannot be seen directly. For example, more and more people will get to know China. I’m sure the mysterious Chinese culture will attract them strongly. And the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. What is more, Olympic Games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of Chinese youth with the Olympic values and the Olympic spirit. Now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights

I’ve already said a lot about the Olympics and China. But I think everyone should use some time to think of this question, ”Does the Olympic Games have any special meaning to you ”


Thinking about a few years ago, when I saw the taxonomic dustbin in our community for the first time, the Green Olympic made no difference in my mind. I just regarded it as an interesting way to sort garbage. But when a few days later I raised my hands high up and was eager to be a member of "the Communist Youth League’s EPD group", I told myself firmly, "It’s a great way to make contribution to the 2008’s Beijing." Maybe this is why I have that much passion on this great action. In the following months, we have activities such as picking up all the plastic things which are surrounded our school together with our teacher. We were all very excited about this meaningful thing. We also set up special dustbins for used batteries, so that we can both pollute less and recycle more. When seeing all the plastics and the batteries were carried on the truck which was going to the recycle factory to handle these things, we were all very happy about it. Everyone forgot all the hardness. To let the dream of" Green Beijing" come true, all of us should give a hand. "I’ve do something great for you Beijing," What a great sentence!

And at the same time, the actions of protecting the environment are going on, too. My father changed all the taps in my family into saving-water ones, and all the water we use are recycled for at least 2 or 3 times. I always can hear this ad on CRI, it says, "5 million children died each year, just for the drinking water." So, help us to make the world safer. Although my actions are rather small, but I think with all of you guys help, there will be a strong power.

The color green gives the Olympic Game a deeper meaning, green is in flowers, grasslands and in trees; Green is in the sky, in the earth and in the sunshine. But to my opinion, green’s also in our minds, in our smiles and in the great love.

Once in an activity which was to plant trees for the community, every planter got a card to hang out on the tree with writing a few meaningful words. Do you know I have written what That is:

"Happy growing!"

"Happy growing!" To every little tree in our green dreams.

"Happy growing!" To The changing Beijing!

"Happy growing!" To The green Olympics bud in every citizen’s heart! It’ll turn out sweet 3 years later in 2008!

灿烂未来 绿色希望































The lucky baby first time declares a position MV

Austria transported the subject music " 2008 " the MV real-life scenery photography to the day before yesterday evening officially in 81 factories open machine, this section of MV first time used the lucky baby image in the image photography. " 2008 " composes music, the great light by the famous composer Artemisia stelleriana auspicious light arranges the tune, combines " the classical fashion " by the Western happy 7 people the performance, MV New Year's Day the bilingual party always directs Luo by 2006 great directs and first time uses in this party, on December 31st the evening in central 3 set, central 9 set, Yang regards the Spanish French frequency channel first time meets with everywhere audiences.

According to directs Luo Wei introduces, entire MV except that " the classical fashion " in the combination 7 individual performances images, other parts all will use the three dimensional animation manufacture, the lucky baby defer to Austria transport conduct the city the order, will fly in turn Athens Wei Cheng, the ancient Egyptian pyramid, the French 埃菲尔 iron tower, Australia's Sydney opera house, the Japanese Mount Fuji, the American free goddess picture, Russia's Kremlin, finally will come to the Beijing Temple of Heaven. " Classical fashion " when combination performance uses the cello, the violin, the flute and so on 3 kind of musical instruments also all can " use " by the lucky baby.